Tarbiyat (training) and Education

                                    Tarbiyat (training) and Education

Wherever the word education comes, the word training also comes along. Education means not only the name of the degree but also the name of molding the process. If we talk about education, it is only written in books. It is not the name of anecdotes or events but the name of putting character into action. Then an educated person becomes a civilized person. 

Is memorizing books an education? Education was the reason why the angels prostrated before Adam. It was education. Nowadays, education means only degrees. Therefore, education included training. Excluded Education is left only to achieve worldly goals, so it is very important to have training.

When it comes to Pakistan's educational institutions and students take part in terrorist activities, then the question arises as to why education teaches. Isn't training necessary along with education?

When educated people are involved in the bad activities, then the question arises as to whether this education teaches, whether training with education is not necessary. Training teaches us how to live our lives in this society with others. How do you behave? How do we do our hereafter? So it is necessary to train with education. Education is being imparted in educational institutions, but they are not being trained, they are not being taught to distinguish between good and evil, they are not being prevented from doing so, but they are being inclined towards sins.

The right of the children over the parents to train them  well. It is the responsibility of the parents to meet their food and drink needs but also to train them. The training is to prepare for the Hereafter, which is much better than worldly education. Even if one does not succeed in worldly education, he will be able to live his life well if the training is good. The training is to prepare for the Hereafter, which is much better than worldly education. Even if one does not succeed in worldly education, he will be able to live his life well if the training is good.

The real purpose of education in the country is to improve one's character and nowadays the education game is being played only for worldly interests. Most of its purpose has been forgotten. It is not how much you can earn and how much you earn by studying. Education is how you treat people in your society. Do you feel the grief of others or not? What is education today? This meaning has been forgotten, so training is very important. Training teaches us how to make others feel, how to ask for the sorrows of others, how to improve our world, how to be honest and fair in our dealings. There is only education, so education is not more important than training. 

Training is very important for this society when we see that there are hours and hours of fighting everywhere. This is how it is spread everywhere. So aren't we getting education? We are getting education in this society but not training. Training is the most important duty and responsibility of a parent. If parents do not fulfill this obligation, then they are the answer in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah will ask on the Day of Resurrection whether you have trained your children well. If you do not train your children, then you have to answer before Allah. Training verse does not mean to get worldly education; nature means to teach him to live in society, to make him a good citizen, to teach him how to meet people. The Hereafter is to be fixed.

The atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not teach the same lesson, but training does not teach that if someone is killed, then training is what life is all about. Will be destroyed one day so much evil will spread in a society that it will be difficult to live in this world we can earn very little money from education we can create in our life from luxury but what is our hereafter she will be better off. They will answer before God. They will not be able to answer there.

     Training teaches a way of life. Education does not eliminate ignorance.


  1. i am totally agree with you now the education becomes a source of earning money only and we forget the real meaning of education.

  2. very informative point is raised.


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