
Showing posts from July, 2020

Why we feel tired even after getting enough sleep?

Why we feel tired even after getting enough sleep? Mobile phones and computers: Since most of us use mobile phones and computers on a daily basis, it has been found that our brains perceive light and radiation they emit similarly to sun light. Thus, your brain might think we are awake when you are not and your sleep mechanism would not be able to work properly, if you are an avid mobile user and you find often that you wake up feeling’s tired, perhaps it’s time to keep mobile phone at bay, at least half an hour before you sleep. Iron deficiency Iron is essential for energy because it's a building block for the red blood cells that transport oxygen around the body.  Lack of iron limits oxygen transport around the body and takes the edge off your mental and physical performance. Cure: Consuming red meat, liver, spinach, seeds and lentils Low calories in diet: If we follow a strict diet that is low in calories and nutrients, our energy level will most likely suffer, If

Tarbiyat (training) and Education

                                    Tarbiyat (training) and Education Wherever the word education comes, the word training also comes along. Education means not only the name of the degree but also the name of molding the process. If we talk about education, it is only written in books. It is not the name of anecdotes or events but the name of putting character into action. Then an educated person becomes a civilized person.  Is memorizing books an education? Education was the reason why the angels prostrated before Adam. It was education. Nowadays, education means only degrees. Therefore, education included training. Excluded Education is left only to achieve worldly goals, so it is very important to have training. When it comes to Pakistan's educational institutions and students take part in terrorist activities, then the question arises as to why education teaches. Isn't training necessary along with education? When educated people are involved in the bad activities, t

Poor nutrition cause of Mouth Ulcer(canker Sour) and Treatment منہ کے السر اور علاج

                   Poor nutrition cause of Mouth Ulcer(canker Sour) and Treatment Mouth ulcer is the small, open and painful lesions that develop in the mouth. They appear in the softer tissues in the mouth including the base, gums, tongue, inside lining of the cheeks, throat and lips. They are usually grey, white and yellow in color with the red boarder. It usually heals within one and two weeks. Causes ·          Injury to mouth from vigorous tooth brushing, dental work, sports injury and accidental cheek bite. ·          Emotional Stress ·          Toothpaste and mouth rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulfate. ·          Allergy to certain bacteria in mouth ·          Smoking ·          Poor nutrition ·          A vitamin B-12 deficiency, folic acid, Zinc and iron deficient diet ·          Sensitivity to certain foods such as acidic food, coffee, chocolate, eggs and spicy food Treatment Minor canker sores which tend to heal on their own does not require trea

Why does chopping an onion make us cry? Stop tears

                        Why does chopping an onion make us cry? Ever cut an onion and started tearing up? Most people do. It turns out when you cut an onion, it releases a gas called Sulphur-oxide. When mixed with certain enzymes in the onion, it creates a sulfur gas. These gases then get to your eyes and create a mild acid which irritates the eyes.                  Normally, your body would signal you to close your eyes. This, of course, is not a good idea if you are cutting an onion. The next best thing your eyes can do is to make tears to protect the eyes. Rubbing your eyes is a bad idea, since your hands are likely full of the tear making onion juice. Stop the Tears: 1-     Burning Candle: My favorite trick is to light a large candle near the cutting board. The flame will help burn off the sulfur compounds released by the onion. Or, if you have a gas stove and a steady, safe place near it where you can place the cutting board, slice the onion there. Be careful working near

Why do we feel thirsty after eating sweets?

Why do we feel thirsty after eating sweet?                        Sugar is a concentrated sweet . That means all the water has been removed from it to concentrate it. Therefore when you eat it tastes good, but you did not get the water that would be present if IT WAS NOT a concentrated sweet, therefore you are thirsty afterwards. When we eat sugar or sweet dishes, it first goes to your  stomach , and then into your bloodstream." Once the sugar particles reach your blood, water moves out of your cells and into your blood, to restore balance in your blood. As your cells lose water, they send signals to the brain indicating that they need more H2O.  We feel the urge to sip on something.               This [chain of events] happens pretty quickly, “Since glucose is absorbed by the  gut  and into the bloodstream fairly fast, you might feel thirsty within 5 or 10 minutes.” Suggestions Too much of anything —  i ncluding vegetables  — isn’t good for you. Loading up on sugar and sk

Why Honey does not Spoil?

Why Honey does not spoil? Honey Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants or from secretions of other insects, by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Amazing Property of Honey Bacteria and fungi is responsible for the spoilage of food.                                                   "But honey is not spoiled by bacteria and fungi due to the unique ability of the honey that is osmosis." Osmosis: Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent (water) molecules through a selectively permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration. Main Reason The water content of honey is less than fungi and bacteria and the honey have high solute concentration so the water from fungus and bacteria move to the honey and they die because water is essential to carry out the life processes of bacteria and fungi. There is also another rea

Reason of yawning

                       Yawning A yawn is an involuntary reflex where the mouth is opened wide, and the lungs take in a lot of air. The air is then exhaled slowly. During this time, the eardrums stretch, and the eyes may also close tight, causing them to water.                             Reasons  of Yawning: The biggest reason for yawning is that when the brain gets tired of doing a lot of work, it doesn't get enough oxygen and it doesn't want it to fit perfectly if it can work properly. Due to which the brain does not get all the oxygen it needs. A respiratory function   Yawning may be a function of breathing. Yawns may be more likely when the blood needs oxygen. A yawn causes a big intake of air and a faster heartbeat, which could theoretically mean that it is pumping more oxygen through the body. So a yawn may be simply designed to help clear toxins out of the blood and provide a fresh supply of oxygen. To cool the brain Yawning may cool the brain. A yawn causes the jaw to s